Monday, January 12, 2009

Happy Moments

Five moments in my life (so far) that I believe I will remember happily in my old age.

1. Our wedding day. I felt like a princess with my prince. It was a small enough wedding that we had our close friends there.
2. When I gave my husband his gift on our 19th wedding anniversary. It was a romance book I had written for him secretly over a few months. He said it was the best gift I had ever given him, because I put so much of myself into it. It also reawakened my love for writing. I said, “Hey, I can do this.” I haven’t stopped since.
3. When we celebrated my husband being five years’ cancer free. I really began to believe he’d survive and I feared recurrence much less. We also had a great big party with friends that went very smoothly.
4. When we celebrated my husband being ten years’ cancer free. Now it’s just a bad memory with lingering health effects. But at least he’s in my life, instead of just my memories.
5. The conversion of both our daughters and the joy of seeing them live Christian lives. It’s what every Christian parent desires for their child.

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