Thursday, September 17, 2009

He Chose the Nails--What God Did to Win Your Heart

By Max Lucado

I bought this book from the bookstore in Max Lucado's church in San Antonio, Texas when I was there recently. (I would have liked if it was autographed, but I digress). I had never read his books before. He is an engaging communicator and I found this to be very devotional and touching. It's the type of book that has so many fresh insights that you just have to share.
He takes you to the Crucifixion of Christ and draws your attention to things you may overlook--the soldiers' spit, the crown of thorns, the nails, the sign over Jesus' head, the two crosses on either side, the path, the garment, the torn flesh, the wine-soaked sponge, the blood and water, the cross itself, the burial clothing, and the empty tomb--and looks at them in a new way. I thought I had seen the Cross from most angles, but I was blown away by the beauty and depth I found in this book. It shows the depths God went to win your heart. To win my heart.
A study guide follows the book. The only chapter I didn't agree with was called, "I will let you choose". But then, I'm a Calvinist, and he's a confused Calvinist, I mean, an Arminian. :)

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