Monday, March 21, 2011


March 21, 2011.

Outside my and grey. Not too Springy.
I am thinking...I must be worried. I woke up twice today, upset because I dreamed that members of my family made poor decisions. It's probably because I am worried about another member of my family. I should just pray for her instead, and if she really is a believer, she'll see what she's doing does not honour God.
I am thankful for...good preaching. I've been at this church almost 27 years, and have benefitted from at least two hours per week of solid, Biblical preaching. I've heard that if you have had at least one year of Sunday school, you already have more training than some Pastors in certain countries.
From the kitchen...beef teriyaki stir fry.
I am wearing...jeans and a green sweater.
I am reading...Writing the Breakout Novel by Donald Maass.
I am relative will feel convicted about her choices.
Around the house...we had relatives over on Friday night. It was good to catch up. Saturday was a quiet and sedate day: my husband was writing his sermon, I was writing my message for the Ladies' Meeting, my daughter was writing a poli-sci paper. We were scattered throughout the house on different computers. Even my other daughter was writing a paper in Hamilton. Both girls have their summer jobs lined up. They are both camp counsellours, but in different places. On Sunday, my sister's family came for dinner. My husband had a busy morning at church, since he was also preaching, but it went well. He preached on the Whole Armour of God. Pedro Rodrigues preached in the evening, on Prayer.
One of my favourite things...teaching adults. After 24 years of teaching children, I feel like I finally found my niche. I like teaching the College and Careers, and the Ladies.
Some plans for the four nights. I don't mind so much because the madness has ended, and now we are back to our usual busyness, without six leukemia patients. On Thursday morning, I'm required to do some Fire Marshall training. Someone's bright idea. I was volun-told. All I know is I won't get home until after 11 a.m. and still have to work again on Thursday nigt. Just griping in advance. Saturday morning, I'll be speaking on Mary, at our Ladies' Meeting.

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