Monday, April 18, 2011


Read Genesis 1-5.

Eve was an amazing woman. We tend to think less of her because of she is associated with the Fall, but I think if we look at her a little more closely, we will see some of her attributes. I remember a question from a kid in Sunday school, “Are Adam and Eve in hell?” They always ask those kinds of questions, don’t they?

Well, I think we’ll have our answer by the end of the study.

God first created the world in six days, by the Word of His power. It was the perfect environment for people to thrive in, prepared especially for them. Adam and Eve were created by the direct action of God. Adam from the ground, and Eve from Adam. The rest of us are born into the world. Humans are the crowning glory of His creation, made in His image.

What it Means to be Made in the Image of God
Humans are like God in a way no other creatures are. We are personal, rational (having intelligence and will), creative, righteous (although this was lost in the fall), ruling over the world He has made. We have the ability to communicate and have a relationship with God. We have a soul; as opposed to the animals. (Ecc. 3:21, Gen. 2:7). We have the capacity for eternal life. (Ecc.12:7). Being made in the image of God gives humans dignity. (Gen.9:6) The value of human life is the basis of capital punishment.

Humans were given a mandate to be fruitful, multiply, and subdue the earth. They were, together, to be stewards of creation. (Gen.1:28) We can control plants and animals, but not the heavenly realm. Only God can do that. Many animal rights people don’t like the idea of man being over creation, but it was God’s idea, not man’s idea. We are put here as stewards. A steward is responsible for taking care of something that belongs to someone else. There is also the idea of being accountable for our actions. We need to care for the planet, but not worship it. We need balance.

 Hints of Trinity
The repetition of the plurals, “Us”, “Our”, “Our” in Gen. 1:26 has been suggested to be a hint of the Trinity. This was plurality in divine unity. This is also seen in Gen. 1:1-3 where we see God the Father creating by the Word (Jesus) and the Spirit hovering over the waters. Who is God addressing in verse 26? Some think it is merely majestic language, like the royal “we”. But the contrast to “and God said” when He created everything else, with the plan in the council chambers of Heaven before Man was created shows that this was something different. He planned his creation deliberately. “Let us make man...” He can’t be talking to angels, because angels are not co-creators, nor are they made in the image of God.

 Pre-Flood World
There was no rain until the flood (Gen.2:4-6). People lived longer in the antediluvian (Pre-flood, or pre-deluge) world. The waters above the firmament (heavens) referred to in (Gen. 1:6-8) could have been a water canopy above the earth, which made everything lush. The pre-flood world was tropical, as evidenced by dinosaur bones found in Western Canada. This canopy would have protected people from U.V. damage. Adam lived to be 930 years old. (Gen.5:5). We can assume close to the same age for Eve. This canopy was also the source of a large part of the water for the flood. (Show diagram of water canopy).

Side point: before the flood, people were vegetarians (Gen. 1:30), but were told meat was permissible to eat after the flood. (Gen. 9:3)

 Creation of Adam and Eve
Adam and Eve were created on the sixth day, after the animals. God saved the best for last. Adam was made from the dust of the earth. (Gen. 3:19 verse about dust to dust at funerals). Isaiah 64:8 shows creation as the image of making pottery. Adam and Eve were both created on the same day. (Gen. 1:27, Gen. 5:1,2) “...on the day they were created”. Woman was not an afterthought, created, as some say, months or even years after Adam. God’s work of creation was completed on the sixth day. (Gen. 2:1-3). Adam wasn’t alive until God gave him the breath of life, as the Spirit of God gives us spiritual life. Life and death are in God’s hands. We will not live one second longer than God has planned for us to live, and yet, “we are immortal until our work is done” as George Whitefield said. They were unlike any people after them, since they had no infancy, no childhood, and no youth. Yet, they were created already able to speak and understand. They were not grunting cavemen or “mud with consciousness.”

 Adam was put to work before the fall. Work itself is not bad. We feel a sense of accomplishment in it. But the fall has made work harder. In heaven, we won’t be idle. “...and His servants will serve Him.” (Rev.22:3b ) The oldest profession? Gardener. (Gen.28:15)

 Eve was created from Adam’s rib. “The woman was made of a rib out of the side of Adam; not made out of his head, to rule over him; nor out of his feet, to be trampled upon by him; but out of his side to be equal with him; under his arm to be protected, and near his heart, to be beloved.” (Matthew Henry)

 Eve was created for fellowship/companionship with Adam. Both man and woman were made in the image of God. Together they reveal aspects of God’s character; strength, protection, care, and nurturing. There is a complementary nature in the relationship. What he lacked, she supplied, and vice versa. “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make a helper comparable to him.” Gen.2:18 After creation on each day, God said, “...and it was good.” This is the first time when God said something was not good. Adam names the creatures. His loneliness and lack of companionship makes him realize he doesn’t have a counterpart. His need for a helper demonstrates his inadequacy rather than her inferiority. (Gen. 2:20). The first surgery was performed: deep sleep, rib removed, flesh closed up. Sounds like surgery to me. (Gen. 2:21-22).

 Does this mean all men have one less rib than women? I remember a teacher in nursing school Biology class mocking this. She said, “No, men have the same number of ribs as women do.” But the Bible doesn’t say all men have one less rib; just Adam. If you have your appendix removed surgically, then you have children, are your children born without an appendix? Of course not! The reason is that his rib was removed surgically, by the Great Physician. There was not a genetic factor involved.

Marriage was God’s idea. It was instituted before the fall, like work. Marriage is not an evil idea, but something for our protection and our good. This was the ultimate arranged marriage. There were no other options, yet they were both pleased with God’s choice for them. Adam sees Eve for the first time, and bursts out in poetry. (Gen. 2:23). Plato said, “At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet.” This is Adam’s only recorded statement before the fall, celebrating his wife. God, as the Father of the Bride, presents her to the groom (Gen. 2:22), then, as the Pastor, He performs the ceremony. His words are quoted at wedding ceremonies. I’ve seen weddings where the father of the bride is also a Pastor, so he walks her up the aisle, then performs the ceremony as well.

 Marriage is established between one man and one woman. They must “leave” and “cleave”. You must leave your parents, emotionally and financially, at least, physically as well, if possible. It is necessary to start a new family. They have new loyalties. Two become one. This is intimacy. Marriage is meant to be exclusive; commitment to each other with no room for anyone else. Marriage pictures the covenant relationship between God and His people. Eph. 5:25-33, esp. Verse 32 “This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church.” They were to leave father and mother. Adam and Eve did not have parents to leave, but God gives the instruction for our benefit. They were naked, but not ashamed. This doesn’t idealize nudity, but shows the contrast before and after the fall. The fall caused loss of innocence and feelings of shame. In Scripture, nakedness is always a symbol of weakness, need and humiliation. (Also remember, it’s easier to be naked in a tropical setting, than in Canada in December).

Questions of God
I've long been intrigued by the idea of God asking a question. When we ask a question, it's often to get information. What's the temperature today? What time will you be home? Who's going with you? Where do you think you're going, dressed like that? Okay, that last one was more of a statement, but you get the idea.

 But when God asks a question, it's never to get information. The reason is obvious: He knows all things. So why does He ask anything? Let's take a look at the questions of God in the first few chapters of Genesis.

 “Then the LORD God called to the man and said to him, 'Where are you?'" Genesis 3:9

"And He said, 'Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you not to eat? Genesis3:11

"Then the LORD God said to the woman, 'What is this you have done?'" Genesis 3:13a

 Why did He ask this? Didn't He know where Adam was hiding, and why? Of course. He asks to see if Adam will admit his wrongdoing, much as a parent does when they catch their child doing something wrong. We see what they've done, i.e. broken a vase or hurt their sibling, and yet we ask, "What have you done?"

 That's the idea behind His questions. They are all asked to see if Adam and Eve will confess. I also think there's some sadness and disappointment behind the question, like when you see your child do something they shouldn't have done, especially after you've warned them of the consequences if they did it. "Didn't I tell you not to bounce on the bed or you'd hurt yourself?"

 A similar idea is found in Genesis chapter four, when God confronts Cain. He gives him a chance to make things right. He has not yet killed his brother. God asks him why he's sad and angry. He can still do the right thing and come to God with a pleasing sacrifice in the way God prescribed, instead of trying to come with his own best efforts. He gives Cain both a second chance and a warning, as parents often do.

 “Then the LORD said to Cain, 'Why are you angry? And why has your countenance fallen?" If you do well, will not your countenance be lifted up? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door; and its desire is for you, but you must master it.'" Genesis 4:6, 7

 God tells him sin wants to control him, but he must control it. The next time God talks to Cain, he has already killed his brother. God comes to him and asks a question He already knows the answer to.

 Where is Abel, your brother?" Genesis 4:9

"He said, 'What have you done? The voice of your brother's blood is crying to Me from the ground." Genesis 4:10

 So from even these few examples, we see that God is asking questions, not to obtain information from us, His creatures, but to interact with us, to fix our relationship with Him, or to judge us and remind us that we are indeed the creature and He the Creator.

 The Two Trees
God provided a paradise for Adam and Eve, with trees laden with fruit for food, but in the middle of the garden there were two unique trees: the Tree of Life, and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Read Gen. 2:15-17 God gives the command regarding the two trees to Adam, before the creation of Eve. Yet she knew about it, even though she misquoted it and added to the restrictions “...nor shall you touch it.”Gen. 3:3

 The Forbidden Fruit
The forbidden fruit of the Garden of Eden, spoken of in the Scriptures, was not an apple. Sorry to burst your bubble. You may have seen artist's pictures of red fruit, learned about Adam's apple, (supposedly stuck in every man's throat) and heard lyrics like, "Eve tempted Adam with an apple", and may even have heard it from Sunday school teachers, but it's not true. How do we know? Go to the Scriptures.

 First of all, Adam and Eve could eat of every tree in the Garden, except one. It wasn't the apple tree. It was the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. It was one of two unique trees in the Garden of Eden. It was the only one of its kind, and located only in Eden, which is now hidden from us. Further, once they ate of it, were judged by God and banished from Eden forever, its fruit was never eaten again, unlike the apple tree. Also, the fruit is not described for us, except to say that it was good for food, pleasant to the eyes, and desirable to make one wise.

 Notice that the Tree of Life, also another unique tree in the midst of the garden, was not forbidden to Adam and Eve. Ever wonder why they didn't eat from that one, instead? We'll never know. But at least we know that in the New Jerusalem we will have access to the Tree of Life, forbidden to our first parents because of their disobedience. (Rev. 22:2)

 The Fall
Above all else in Eve’s life, she is known for her part in the Fall. Let’s look at that now.

Read Gen. 3.
The Test
As a gardener, Adam would have been in constant contact with the trees. He would see them and wonder. He had been given freedom to eat of any tree except the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. God gave the command with the assumption that man could chose. He was morally capable and responsible. He was a free moral agent.

 This one exclusion was a simple, true test. Would they submit to God’s authority over them as Creator, or would they rebel? Time passes. We don’t know how much time they had a happy marriage and uninterrupted fellowship with God.

 Many believe Satan tempted Eve while she was alone, thus making her more vulnerable. This was not the case. The conversation recorded in chapter three, records only two speakers, Eve and the Serpent (or Satan), but they were not alone. Adam was standing right there beside her, yet he said nothing. “She also gave to her husband with her...” Gen.3:6 Eve didn’t say, “Adam, what do you think we should do?” Nor did Adam stop her or argue with Satan. That’s why it’s forever referred to as Adam’s sin, even though Eve was the one who ate first. Eve was deceived, whereas Adam made a conscious decision to defy God’s command.

 The first question ever asked in the Bible was asked by His enemy, questioning God’s word. Gen.3:1 Satan plants doubt in their minds that God didn’t have their best interests at heart, but was keeping something good from them. He emphasizes God’s prohibition rather than His provision. He questioned the extent of the command: “every tree?” He then calls God a liar and states the opposite of what God said: “You will not surely die,” as a truth (Gen. 3:4) and implies that God is hoarding power to Himself. Yet God said, “In the day that you eat of it, you shall surely die.” (Gen.2:17b) Eve toned this down by saying, “Lest you die.”

 The concept of death was not something Adam would’ve understood. He would not have witnessed death, since there was no death before sin entered the world. The theory of evolution is all about death.

 But Adam would have understood death was not desirable. So why didn’t they drop dead the moment they ate the fruit? Because it wasn’t poisoned fruit. But the process of death began that day; much like a tree branch does not die immediately when cut off a tree. Since it is cut off from the source of life, it will inevitably die.

 Death means separation. By their sin, they were 1) Separated from God. There was a change in their relationship with Him. 2) They would now have bodies that would die physically. Their soul would be separated from their body. Diseases are also part of the curse. 3) If not for a way to restore this relationship, they would also be separated from God forever, in a place called Hell.

 The Trespass
So the issue at stake was not whether a certain fruit was good or bad to eat, but whether Adam would let God determine what was good or bad, or if he’d decide himself, in defiance of what God had said. Also notice that Eve was deceived, but she didn’t tempt Adam. Throughout history, people refer to her as a temptress, and by extension, all women. Though women can be that, Eve is not portrayed that way. She is not recorded as saying anything at all to Adam, one way or another. She merely gave him the fruit and he ate it. (Gen.3:6). No convincing required.

He heard the whole exchange between Eve and the Serpent, but did not intervene. He didn’t take a leadership role, whereas Eve usurped his authority by making the decision. The factors in her decision were that the fruit was 1) good for food (it seemed edible), 2) pleasant to the eyes (so she desired it), and 3) desirable to make one wise (the most appealing benefit to her). This is similar to the temptation of Christ in Matthew 4. She may have been curious about it for a long time. It may have smelled delicious.
Effects of the Fall
Immediately after they ate the fruit, the lights went on, or should I say, out. (Gen.3:7) The loss of innocence led to a feeling of shame. Their guilt is expressed in the awareness of nakedness. This is in contrast to before the fall when they were naked and unashamed.

 Redemption is linked to God providing a covering, or Atonement for sin. Gen.3:21 Even the mercy seat is a covering of the ark, which contained the law, which we broke. It was the place where estranged parties were reconciled. Ex. 25:7

They were also now afraid of God. Whereas before, they had fellowship with God, now they saw Him as their Judge. “I was afraid,” Adam admits in Gen. 3:10

There was a change in their relationship with each other; blame and lack of trust; Gen.3:12

They realized they were naked, and went about trying to make themselves presentable, covering themselves with fig leaves. We often do this, too. Many people won’t come to God until they feel they’ve cleaned up their act. They try to cover themselves with the fig leaves of good works, hoping God won’t see that they’re spiritually naked.

 The Blame Game
As the head of the family, Adam must give an account of what has been done. He is questioned first, even though God knew Eve ate first. As I said, it’s forever referred to as Adam’s sin, not Eve’s, although they are equally guilty, and equally fallen. He was the representative for all mankind yet to be born.

 “They show their allegiance to Satan by distorting the truth, accusing one another, and accusing God. Their efforts to conceal their sin only expose it.” Geneva Study Bible notes.

Imagine Eve’s shock when he blames her, as if he wasn’t responsible for his own actions. I can imagine her standing there staring at him with her mouth hanging open. Notice he doesn’t try to say he was deceived; that much at least is true. She handed it to him and he ate it. He also subtly blames God, “the woman You gave me.” Gen. 3:12 He implies it was God’s fault for giving Eve to him in the first place.

 The Sentence
The Supreme Court of the Universe is now in session. The Judge has heard the testimonies (i.e. excuses), and He is ready to pass sentence. There is no question as to whether He can do this; it is His right as Creator.

 For Satan, God doesn’t even ask for his side of the story, but just assigns judgment on him. God knows his motives and what he has done. The first part of the sentence is on the serpent itself, which is a symbol of Satan (Gen. 3:14). The second part is on the Devil, himself.

 “Humanity is now divided into two camps: the redeemed who love God, and the reprobate, who love self. This is seen as soon as the next generation in the hostility of Cain against Abel.” Geneva Study Bible notes.

 But see the grace of God. Even as He is passing judgment, He is giving us the first promise of a Redeemer. He does not leave them without hope. The woman’s Seed will gain the victory. As sin entered the world through the agency of a woman, so the Saviour of sinners enters the world by way of a woman. Jesus is Mary’s son. He had no human father. The reference to “her Seed” is a clue, as biology teaches us that men have seed, women; an egg. Yet this future Redeemer is “her Seed”, which is contrary to nature. This hints at the Virgin Birth, or rather, the Virginal Conception. It was a normal birth, but a unique conception.

 The Woman’s Punishment
As our first representatives, the punishment was not just on Eve as an individual, but on all women to come. She would experience pain in childbirth (vs. 16). Can you imagine how scary it would have been to be the first woman to give birth, with no midwife, except her husband, no medical care, no Mom to tell her what to expect? She has my respect.

 Her relationship with her husband would change. Just as she usurped his authority when she ate the fruit, she would now be under his authority, although she would fight against it. “Your desire will be for your husband”, does not refer to physical desire, because that isn’t a curse. The word translated, desire, is the same as that used in Gen. 4:7 meaning the desire to control. It's talking about her desire to control in the marriage relationship, as she just did by making the decision to take the fruit without consulting her husband.

 Now he will rule over her, and the battle of the sexes, which began in the garden, has been in effect in every relationship since, with power struggles within marriage. Their marriage relationship became strained. Trust is replaced by mistrust. The curse on the woman becomes part of the man’s curse as well, since their relationship is affected.

 He would try to dominate her; she would try to control him. She now has enforced submission as her punishment. In Christ, these relationships are redeemed, although our role is still to submit to our husband’s leadership in the home.

 There is a wrong view of submission today; it is seen as inferiority.  In the first century, submission to husbands was represented by wearing of head coverings. Now head coverings don’t have the same meaning. But could it perhaps be demonstrated by something different, like taking his name when you marry?

The idea of headship and submission always existed in the eternal nature of God Himself, yet we would not say that Christ is inferior to God the Father, even though they have different roles.
“But I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a wife is her husband, and the head of Christ is God.” 1 Cor. 11:3

Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled.” Titus 2:3-5
Just a side note, but, I like that phrase, “submissive to their own husbands.” We are not to be submissive to all men, just because we are women, but only to our own husbands. That’s enough of a challenge. J

The Man’s Punishment/The Earth’s Punishment
Likewise, Adam’s punishment was not just on him, but all men to come.

 “Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned.” Rom. 5:12

 Now man’s natural relationship to the earth and his mandate to subdue it are reversed, and he is frustrated in his work. The earth fights against him, too. Work would be difficult because God cursed the earth because of Adam (Gen. 3:17), “cursed is the ground for your sake”. The punishment on the earth is included with Adam’s punishment because he is linked to it because of creation.

 Thorns get in the way. (Gen. 3:18). Notice that Christ wore a crown of thorns on his head, bearing the curse that was on the earth as well, so that it could also be redeemed one day. “...because the creation itself will also be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.” (Rom.8:23)

 In Gal. 3:18 we see Jesus “became a curse for us.” But in glory, there will be “no more curse.” Rev. 22:3

 Adam would work hard his whole life and then die. The process of death includes illnesses and suffering. ”Dust to dust.” (Gen. 3:19).

 I think at this point Adam and Eve are beginning to understand what God meant by “death”, and they see it is not good.

 What Next?
Adam names her Eve; the mother of all living. She was not named before the fall. Gen.3:20 “This shows his faith in God’s promise that the woman would bear children, including the Seed who would defeat Satan.” Geneva Study Bible notes.

 God provides a covering for sin. Gen. 3:21 They thought they could do it themselves, with fig leaves. But God Himself determines the remedy for the problem. He provides animal skins as a covering. Skins are not merely zipped off. This required the death of an animal. This was the first picture of blood sacrifice and substitutionary atonement. One dying for another. Also, atonement gives the image of covering sin. God provided the covering for their sin and nakedness.

 Gen. 3:22 is another reference to a council meeting of the Godhead, “like one of Us.” By barring them from the tree of life in their sinful state, God graciously protects them from eternal bondage to sin and misery. He also cleanses His temple/garden and exiles Adam and Eve from it. (Gen. 3:23, 24). “The LORD God sent him out,” and “So He drove out the man.”

 The first part of their death sentence is realized; separation from God. He also placed cherubim at the entrance, so man could never return and eat of the Tree of Life. Cherubim are angelic beings that protect God’s holiness. They are also seen on the Mercy seat in the Holy of Holies in the temple and on the curtain, barring the way into the Presence of God. (Exodus 26)

 Cain and Abel
“Woman originally came from man, now man comes from the woman.” Geneva Study Bible notes. The hostility between the godly line and the ungodly line begins. Abel means breath, reminding us of the brevity of life. Now Adam and Eve had learned a few things. They now knew you had to approach God with blood, because only blood could cover sin. They passed on this information to their sons.

 Abel brought a blood sacrifice; the firstborn of the flock. He brought the best, and God was pleased with it. God alone can prescribe how He is to be approached. He is the Creator, we are the creatures. Cain decided he would approach his own way, with some of what he had; his crops. “Cain brought an offering.” Gen.4:3

 “Abel brought the first and best, Cain brought neither.” Geneva Study Bible notes. He brought the work of his hands; he did not approach with blood. He thought his efforts were good enough and was angry when God wouldn’t accept it. God respected Abel’s offering over Cain’s, because God sees the heart. He knows our motives. “The worshipper and his offering were inseparable.” Geneva Study Bible notes.

 God shows grace to Cain and gives him a second chance to do what`s right. He also warns him that sin wants to control him but he must control it. (Gen. 4:6,7). Cain ignores the warning, finds an opportunity, and kills his brother. The first murder shows Cain usurping God`s control over life and death.

 `Where is Abel, your brother?” Also interesting that God adds, “your brother” to clarify, as if there was any other Abel in town.  He does it to stress their relationship, which accentuates the heinousness of his crime. Cain’s sarcastic answer in Gen 4:9 reveals his heart. He has no remorse. He lies and doesn’t take responsibility.

 “What have you done?” Gen. 4:10 The question shows God’s outrage. Abel’s blood cries for vengeance; Christ’s blood cries for forgiveness. God assigns his punishment. He is to be a fugitive, with no secure place, and banishment from any godly influences.

 He complains about his punishment. He still isn’t sorry for his sin; only sorry he got caught. (Gen. 4:13). Cain anticipates violent behaviour and vengeance (vs. 14). God gives a conditional life sentence, even though he doesn’t deserve it. That’s mercy (vs.15).

 Cain leaves with his wife, who is...? (a sister). See Gen. 5:4. Women are not mentioned in genealogies unless they were significant to the story. They may have had many other children as well, but are not mentioned because they are not significant to the story, or were much younger.

There is no evidence in Scripture to suggest Adam and Eve saw Cain or his family ever again.

 Now Adam and Eve finally understood what their sin had cost; one son dead, the other exiled, and this was only the beginning. We don’t always see how horrible sin is because that’s all we know. But you don’t ask a skunk if a skunk smells.

 The End
A new son is born; Seth, a replacement for Adam. He is the godly line. God will not be frustrated in His promise to bring the Deliverer into the world, God “appointed another seed.” His plan will not be thwarted, despite Satan’s schemes against Him. (Gen. 4:25) God’s grace preserved the Messianic line. “Then men began to call on the name of the Lord.” (Gen. 4:26)

 Contrast with Cain’s family who have no mention of God in their lives, just ‘progress’; building cities, advancing in arts and sciences, making things. (Gen. 4:19-22). Polygamy is also commenced in the ungodly line, rebelling against God’s plan that marriage be monogamous. (Gen. 5:1-5). Adam was 130 years old when Seth was born, and then he lived another 800 years. Adam and Eve had many sons and daughters, but we know who did most of the suffering for that. I can’t imagine all those pregnancies.

Finally, he died. His soul and body were separated. This was the next aspect of death, another separation. Remember, death is not annihilation, but separation.

We can assume Eve lived about as long as Adam, maybe longer, as women do. They didn’t record that information about women in Biblical genealogies. Death comes to all, regardless of how long we live. How much shorter do our lives seem, we who live ‘three score and ten’, or seventy years on average? Our lives are a vapour. Life is short and eternity is long.

Eve was a woman unlike any other, knowing a time before sin, a time of perfect fellowship with God and unity with her husband.

Consider all her losses; her innocence, her relationship with God; her marriage relationship changed; loss of her home; one son murdered; one son exiled.

 So, are Adam and Eve in hell? What do you think? I would say no, because of:

1)    God’s promised redeemer (Seed of the woman)

2)    His provision of a covering for them

3)    His mercy towards them in sending them away and barring them from Eden.

Yes, it was a punishment, but it was to save them from a worse predicament, being in a sinful nature and never dying, (if they would have eaten from the Tree of Life).

4)    I also think He taught them about sacrifice, and what was an acceptable way to approach God, which is what they taught their sons, although Cain refused to do what he knew was right.

5)     I also see God’s mercy in giving them Seth, and giving them hope that the Redeemer would come who would make it all right.

6)    Also, Adam is mentioned in the redemptive line of Christ in Luke 3:21-38. In it he is called, Adam, the son of God.

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