Monday, January 26, 2015

Ten Books that have had a Lasting Impact on my Life

These books, four fiction and six non-fiction have made me who I am.

1.       The Bible—it changed my life by leading me to my Saviour.

2.       Hinds’ Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard—as a young, fearful teen, the character of Much-Afraid on her journey with the Shepherd resonated with me.

3.       Mountains of Spices by Hannah Hurnard—her continuing journey taught me much about the Christian walk and the love of the Shepherd.

4.       The Murder of Jesus by John F. MacArthur Jr.—takes the four gospel accounts of the trial and crucifixion of Jesus and weaves them together with new insights into the old, old story.

5.       A Tale of Two Sons by John F. MacArthur Jr.—retelling of the story of the Prodigal son in such a powerful way, showing that Jesus ended it where He did, with the invitation to the elder son to come and rejoice, to give the Pharisees an option to what they were planning to do.

6.       On the Triangle Run by James B. Lamb—the first book about naval battles in WWII in the Atlantic, which sparked my desire to read more, and then led to submarine technothrillers.

7.       The Reformers and Their Stepchildren by James Verduin—a great mix of biography, theology and history to show how we got to where we are.

8.       Mission Possible by Marilyn Laszlo and Luci Tumas—a missionary story of a single woman in Papua New Guinea with Wycliffe Bible Translators. This began my love affair with PNG.

9.       Luther, By Those who Knew Him by Elizabeth Rundle Charles—a fictionalized account of the life of Martin Luther, told from several viewpoints. It’s so exciting as you see history unfolding and people coming out of darkness into light.

10.   The Divine Romance by Gene Edwards—an allegory about God and His love for His bride. I am that girl!

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